Have a Happy
and a healthy
The older we get the quicker the years go by. We wonder what the world will be
like when our grandchildren are our age. This year, world-wide, has been a sad
year with floods and earthquakes around the world. Also 2 wars in Ukraine and
the Gaza strip. We think that next year we shall again see weather extremes with
our climate changing.
Nearer at home I have been looking through our own diary and we seem to have
been quite busy. Health wise Derek has had a pretty healthy year and still
manages to play racquets twice a week as well as weekly local walks and keep fit
classes, of course that’s when we are at home. Derek did have both his cataracts
done, both were successful.
Ann is reasonably fit and manages to do some walking, unfortunately she
tripped in a pothole after a street party for the Coronation and broke her ankle.
Ann has some eye problems but at the time of this letter is still driving.
We are both still trying to keep our minds active by playing bridge. Ann decided
to go to Philosophy classes to keep her mind going, because Heather our
grandchild is doing it at Birmingham University. Not sure how long it will last!!
This brings us to our grandchildren. Neil and Aya are well and working hard.
Their eldest Alex is now in his final law degree at Surrey university and Sophie is
now choosing which uni to go to in September. She might also go down the law
line, a good degree as its open to lots of things.
Helen and James, also well and have been busy on their house and James has
changed jobs. Heather has just started Politics and Philosophy at Birmingham
university. Henry is starting his A levels and Louise is doing well to.
Holiday wise, we have done pretty well, friends say we are never here. That was
one of the reasons for moving, less work in our garden and more holidays – this
is what we like doing and one must make the most of life while we are able to.
Having sadly lost a few friends this year, it has made us realise that we just must
make the most of life and the time we have together.
We still have enough garden to keep us going and we are still growing quite a few
vegetables, vegetables from the garden are always nicer. We still enjoy our hot
tub, not just for fun and pleasure but also for health with our bones. We both
love our house here and know we did the right thing in moving. We seem to be
doing or going somewhere and are very active.
We have had a few people to stay, always a pleasure for us. My cousin came and
a school friend with whom we are stayed with in December.
As to holidays this year, our main big holiday was 4 weeks to Morocco, before
the earthquake. We went with our friends Gill and Dave, who this time
organised the trip. We hired a car with driver and travelled round the villages in
the Southern part of Morocco. Not many tourists and a beautiful part of the
We had a week in Egypt which we did not enjoy, hotel was bad and not a
brilliant reef. We also went to Lanzarote to get some sun. In December Ann and
Helen went for a mother daughter 4-day break in Malta which they enjoyed. In
the UK we have an interest in some holiday lodges and so spent quite a few days
going to places around the UK which we really enjoyed.
As yet we have not managed to sort out new photos to put on the front of our
website, hopefully they will be done soon.
It now just remains to say that we hope you all have a happy Christmas and that
what you plan for in 2004 is successful.
Derek and Ann