FEBRUARY 2004WedecidedtogotoIndiawithacompanycalledTigerTrails.Whenwearrivedtostart ourholidaywewerepleasedtoseethattherewereonly4ofus.Itwasawellorganised holiday.Ourhighlights.StayinganddrivingaroundDelhiwasaneyeopenerandwewouldnot wanttodriveourselvesastherewastrafficandpeopleeverywhere.!!Wewenttotwo NationalParks,RanthambhoreandBandhavgarh.Wewereluckytoseequiteafew beautifultigerswithfantasticmarkings.Ononeoccasionweweretheonlyvehicle (somesightingshadmassesofvansetc.)toseeatigercomeoutofthebusheswitha kill.OurotherhighlighthadtobegoingtotheTajMahal,trulyawonderoftheworld, theRedFort(AgraFort)andtheAmberFort(withtheelephantride)atJaipur.TheTaj Mahal was just stunningly beautiful in the early morning.
Derek and Ann’s Travels in India
Southern India – Kerela.November 2019.After some discussion with our friends Dave and Gill we, at short notice, booked to spend 3 weeks in Kelera. We booked 4 nights at the beginning and 3 nights at the end of our trip, the rest was organised while we were there.Highlights of our great trip were:Staying at several different ‘Hometstays’. These are places where one has good rooms and the family give you breakfast and in most cases an evening meal. One tends to meet all the family and they help one to organise trips in the locality, just so helpful and friendly. One learns more about their culture than staying at a good hotel.Other highlights were the tea plantations, bamboo rafting , National Parks and cultural activities..Luckily we had a driver for 2 weeks as the roads and driving were pretty horrendous.
FEBRUARY 2004WedecidedtogotoIndiawithacompanycalledTigerTrails.Whenwearrivedtostartourholidaywewerepleasedtosee that there were only 4 of us. It was a well organised holiday.Ourhighlights.StayinganddrivingaroundDelhiwasaneye openerandwewouldnotwanttodriveourselvesasthere wastrafficandpeopleeverywhere.!!WewenttotwoNational Parks,RanthambhoreandBandhavgarh.Wewereluckyto seequiteafewbeautifultigerswithfantasticmarkings.On oneoccasionweweretheonlyvehicle(somesightingshad massesofvansetc.)toseeatigercomeoutofthebushes withakill.OurotherhighlighthadtobegoingtotheTaj Mahal,trulyawonderoftheworld,theRedFort(AgraFort) andtheAmberFort(withtheelephantride)atJaipur.TheTaj Mahal was just stunningly beautiful in the early morning.
Southern India – Kerela.November 2019.After some discussion with our friends Dave and Gill we, at short notice, booked to spend 3 weeks in Kelera. We booked 4 nights at the beginning and 3 nights at the end of our trip, the rest was organised while we were there.Highlights of our great trip were:Staying at several different ‘Hometstays’. These are places where one has good rooms and the family give you breakfast and in most cases an evening meal. One tends to meet all the family and they help one to organise trips in the locality, just so helpful and friendly. One learns more about their culture than staying at a good hotel.Other highlights were the tea plantations, bamboo rafting , National Parks and cultural activities..Luckily we had a driver for 2 weeks as the roads and driving were pretty horrendous.