Derek and Ann’s Travels in Laos
1998 We went to Australia via Singapore. Staying with friends in Sydney who, we knew in South Africa, we were able to get around Sydney. We took a flight up to Cairns to catch on a ‘live aboard’ diving boat for a week’s diving trip on the Great Barrier Reef. We had a wonderful diving trip and good diving on lovely coral. See our pictures While in Sydney we took a trip up to the Blue Mountains, On our way home we stopped in Japan to see our son Neil who was working in Japan teaching English.
Our Travels in:
The Website of Derek and Ann Carver
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1998 We went to Australia via Singapore. Staying with friends in Sydney who, we knew in South Africa, we were able to get around Sydney. We took a flight up to Cairns to catch on a ‘live aboard’ diving boat for a week’s diving trip on the Great Barrier Reef. We had a wonderful diving trip and good diving on lovely coral. See our pictures While in Sydney we took a trip up to the Blue Mountains, On our way home we stopped in Japan to see our son Neil who was working in Japan teaching English.
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